Saturday 26 November 2016


Prosperity is not a promise it is a covenant, you can’t pray for it but work for it.  Prosperity silences controversy. No enemy no prosperity. It’s never about the wealth but the process of pursuing wealth. As long as the process is thrilling, the numbers in the end doesn’t matter. Your greatest wealth is your health and it matters how healthy you are, if this year would bring you the good of the land. People who display their wealth to impress may risk losing it, or at least some of it. 

Good things meet you when you take good steps. There is no dignity in borrowing. The borrower is a slave to the lender. If you are born again and you have one source of income in life then you are still operating under curse. Lack remains as long as you are slack. 

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Enemy is a necessity not an option. If you don’t want to make enemies be ordinary. The enemy has a limit to how far he can go Some enemies live long to see what God will do with your life.  

The enemy is more aware of who you are than you areYour real enemy works behind the scenes. Don’t leave your enemy behind as you turn, you don’t know what they will do to you. You feel sorry for your enemy they will fill sorrow for you.

 As true believers our battle cry is clear: “onward Christian soldiers!” Before the devil can reach you a minimum of 11000 must have died. Your enemies may win the small battles but you get to win the great wars.

Take this advice: To get promotion, don’t befriend your boss’ enemies even if you are a peace-loving person. By the way, True haters are true motivators.

Friday 29 July 2016


Money tests our allegiance; it makes apparent whether we are committed to our God or to our possessions. Wisdom is better than money because money ignores God.

True love is worth more than money, true love is genuine in affection. Money can give you a woman but it cannot give you a wife.

Materialistic people are less happy and more depressed.  Money can buy you a car but it cannot buy you safe journey. Money can give you a teacher but it cannot give you intelligence. Money can give you food but it cannot give you appetite.

Salvation is better than money because no amount of money can be exchanged for your soul. People fast for money but do not fast for Gods divine plan for them. Even if you are rich, if you don’t have Jesus there are levels you cannot enter. Riches without God reaches hell.

Wednesday 27 July 2016


Faith is the greatest asset in the journey of life. Faith is the authority that comes within us. Faith prepares ahead of opportunities.

Believing without trusting is not faith. Trust God’s authority, not man’s majority. The deeper you know God the higher you fly to your success. Let us not dishonour God through disbelieving Him. Expect Him to do the unexpected. A prayer made over and over again is not a prayer of faith. “If you pray seven times any one thing, you have prayed six times in unbelief” – Smith Wigglesworth. 

Whatever God cannot do let it remain undone. “God’s part is to put forth power; our part is to put forth faith.” – Andrew A. Bonar. God is not committed to our cry but our knowledge. Faith is exercised in what you know, not what you don’t know. God loves to reward faith, have faith in God! 

                                          Never use any man’s leg to get anywhere! Those who truly know God don’t beg men.  God is a jealousy God. 

God tries our faith so that we may try his faithfulness. God doesn’t build great faith in us with little troubles; it is the cliff that is impossible to climb that challenges our faith to rise to a greater level. 

“I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” – Corrie Ten Boom.

Sunday 24 July 2016


When you stop learning you start dying – Osbourne. Every vision is at the mercy of information. Where you are going is too far compared to where you are.  The brighter you see the faster you go. 

To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed. 
Someone said “if you want to hide something from a black man hide it in a book.” The world is on the move. Only men on the move can make the most of their journey in this world.

“God cannot lead you on the basis of facts that you do not know.” – David Bryant. “A thorough knowledge of the bible is worth more than a college education” – Theodore Roosevelt. The word of God is the principal activator of the supernatural.

Our leaders are not studious, their speeches are just written for them and have no input, and to add on even reading their speeches they have a problem. It takes being truly studious to fulfil a glorious destiny.

Monday 2 May 2016


Christianity is not a religion it is a birth of spiritual reality. A Christian who is on good terms with the world is not on good terms with God. One with God is majority, many without God is calamity. If Jesus is in you, joy is one of the proofs. Nobody can live a holy life without fire. “Don’t do evangelism, live Christ” – Erwin McManus. God does not call those call who feel qualified He calls those who feel horrified. God’s calling is His prerogative, not ours.

Everyone wants to go to heaven, only a few are ready to die to self. Many people are saved but are not sound.  


 You must be born again? If you died this very moment, do you have the assurance that you would be
saved and would go to heaven to be with God forever? Are you a follower of Jesus or just a fan? Have you made a decision to believe in Jesus or made a commitment to follow Jesus

If we use any gifts we may have in humble service to our God, He may put them to use in ways that exceed anything we could ever imagine! Remember Joseph’s gift as a dreamer! Be reminded that age, size and substance are never out of bounds when it comes to serving God. When serving God to you becomes usual, your life becomes casual and you become a casualty.

There are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, mind, and the purse.” – Martin Luther. Salvation is the work of God for man; it is not the work of man for God – Lewis Sperry Chafer. “I tell you brethren, if mercies and if judgements do not convert you, God has no other arrows in his quiver.” – Robert Murray M’Cheyne.
As we move into the realm of manifestation don’t forget with every new level there are new devils.
If you are conscious with your five senses you cannot work with the Holy Spirit, because most things God will tell you to do with be against human senses.

 People Miss God when the things of God are no more sacred to them. Gone are the days where when you hide your Christianity, because you are relevant. Do not seek or put your faith in religion because religion is man trying to reach up and find God, or trying to be good enough or do enough good deeds for God to accept him.

Monday 23 November 2015


We have many hard workers but poor thinkers. We don’t have the problem of money in our nation we have the problem of thinking. You don’t need to start a business, it is the thoughts you start first. Your business can’t expand more than your thought level. Any businessman that is not a thinker his business will sink. 

 Bill Gates’ business is thinking, you call it software but that is his thoughts.
Business is serving people and profit second. You can’t build what you don’t know how to start. 

Diligence means to be business-minded. Diligence means hard work, right work and wise work. A person that uses his brains looks as if he is a very lazy person but he runs with his mind.
A mind that is imprisoned is worse than an imprisoned person. When you stop reasoning you stop rising. We live in a thinker’s world. World thinkers are world rulers.  When you become born again whatever is limiting your thinking is removed. Think wild!!!!!!