Wednesday 27 July 2016


Faith is the greatest asset in the journey of life. Faith is the authority that comes within us. Faith prepares ahead of opportunities.

Believing without trusting is not faith. Trust God’s authority, not man’s majority. The deeper you know God the higher you fly to your success. Let us not dishonour God through disbelieving Him. Expect Him to do the unexpected. A prayer made over and over again is not a prayer of faith. “If you pray seven times any one thing, you have prayed six times in unbelief” – Smith Wigglesworth. 

Whatever God cannot do let it remain undone. “God’s part is to put forth power; our part is to put forth faith.” – Andrew A. Bonar. God is not committed to our cry but our knowledge. Faith is exercised in what you know, not what you don’t know. God loves to reward faith, have faith in God! 

                                          Never use any man’s leg to get anywhere! Those who truly know God don’t beg men.  God is a jealousy God. 

God tries our faith so that we may try his faithfulness. God doesn’t build great faith in us with little troubles; it is the cliff that is impossible to climb that challenges our faith to rise to a greater level. 

“I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” – Corrie Ten Boom.

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