Monday 23 November 2015


We have many hard workers but poor thinkers. We don’t have the problem of money in our nation we have the problem of thinking. You don’t need to start a business, it is the thoughts you start first. Your business can’t expand more than your thought level. Any businessman that is not a thinker his business will sink. 

 Bill Gates’ business is thinking, you call it software but that is his thoughts.
Business is serving people and profit second. You can’t build what you don’t know how to start. 

Diligence means to be business-minded. Diligence means hard work, right work and wise work. A person that uses his brains looks as if he is a very lazy person but he runs with his mind.
A mind that is imprisoned is worse than an imprisoned person. When you stop reasoning you stop rising. We live in a thinker’s world. World thinkers are world rulers.  When you become born again whatever is limiting your thinking is removed. Think wild!!!!!!

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