Friday 2 October 2015


Giving is the only way to prove the sincerity of your love. If you are not a giver you are a beggar, there are no two ways about it. Giving is living just like breathing is life . When you are tired of breathing you give up on life. When you are tired of giving you give up on breakthrough. Give God what’s right – not what’s left. We should understand that he who gives to the poor lends to God.
Tithe is supernatural insurance. Learn to give! Let your heart be as big as the whole world! Live to give.
Again and again, throughout the holy word of God, we see that most of everything we receive from lord begins with our giving! God Himself began the whole plan of our salvation by giving (john 3:16). And even to receive this greatest gift, we have to give him our hearts! We, the children of God are blessed! Always remember: our source, our economy is never tied to this old world! Isaac sowed in famine and received a hundredfold crop in the same year! Remember King Solomon! He gave God the largest offering ever in the face of his greatest need – and God made the richest king in all of Israel and the world!
And the five billion dollar temple was built! Now is the time to plant in your ministry! It’s all through the word of God – “give and you will get” (Luke 6:38)!

Did you ever wonder just how Jesus supported His ministry as well as 12 men and their families? Luke 8:3 gives us a glimpse behind the scenes as mostly the women gave their means (or money) to support Jesus and His disciples! “Joanna, Chuza’s wife (Chuza was King Herod’s business manager and was in charge of his palace and domestic affairs), Susanna and many others who were contributing from their private means to the support of Jesus and His disciples” – Luke 8:3. We are encouraged to give to our ministries with a good motive and right spirit and God will see to it that we are rewarded!  

Glorious truths that hold yet another key to your need! The tithe “opens the windows of heaven.” And the “first fruits” offering brings the glorious increase! It could be your first pay on that new job or simply new money or new goods of any kind that God supplies to us in many ways. Did you know that institutions also need to pay tithes because tithe is not received by church but by Christ?

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