Tuesday 9 August 2016


Enemy is a necessity not an option. If you don’t want to make enemies be ordinary. The enemy has a limit to how far he can go Some enemies live long to see what God will do with your life.  

The enemy is more aware of who you are than you areYour real enemy works behind the scenes. Don’t leave your enemy behind as you turn, you don’t know what they will do to you. You feel sorry for your enemy they will fill sorrow for you.

 As true believers our battle cry is clear: “onward Christian soldiers!” Before the devil can reach you a minimum of 11000 must have died. Your enemies may win the small battles but you get to win the great wars.

Take this advice: To get promotion, don’t befriend your boss’ enemies even if you are a peace-loving person. By the way, True haters are true motivators.