Monday 17 August 2015


Life is more meaningful when one has a relationship with GOD and serving God makes a challenging life worth living. Life is 10% of what happens and 90% how you will react. Life is based on the choices you make –or- don’t make every day. Life should be seen in three segments: learning, building a business to acquire money and giving back to others. You create your life and your world. The delicacy and fragility of life requires that you cross to the other side with God. The best way to live your life is to live it first with God, then for Yourself and then for Others. King Solomon in the bible experimented life and saw that without GOD all is vanity.                                                              

Life is like a vapour that appears and disappears and also like a moist or little flower just sprouting up. A life of impact is not by lack it’s by light. We are where we are because of what we believe and do. You are not meant to manage life, you are meant to go through life triumphantly. 

Life is all about risks! Almost anything in this life is risky and all of us are created with an ability to cope with risk. Crossing a road is a risk. Even drinking water is a risk because some have choked and died! As such, all human beings qualify to be entrepreneurs!

Life is too short to be experimented with especially in the fast lane because it is like taking a tragic toll. The key to simplifying your life is to simplify your stuff. There is no experience in life that is wasted. It will prove useful one way or the other sooner or later.  In your life don’t start hating if you have not yet exhausted love. Connections can make all the difference so cherish everyone. People treat you like you treat yourself. Don’t let everybody help you. “The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation. – Corrie Ten Boom. Some people go through life standing at the complaint counter. Life is like a vapour; make the best of it today.